Building Substrate
Hygienic wall cladding can be adhered to many different substrates, for new build applications it is possible to install directly to fair faced blockwork providing the blockwork is within the required tolerances / Plasterboard or plastered walls. It is adviseable that the cladding is installed directly to the building substrate to allow us to provide guarantees.
Wall cladding can be thermo-formed around corners (internal / external) widow reveals etc. minimising the number of joints within the system, providing a clean smooth washable finish.
It is also possible to install over existing wall coverings such as tiles providing the tiles are sound and all loose and missing tiles have been made good. (See Wall Preparation Document in Walls-Downloads-Technical)
Jointing and corners
There are a range of jointing methods - two part trims / single part trims / welded joints and Flexi Joint. The most popular jointing method is the two part trims.
All internal and external corners are thermoformed onsite, this provides a seamless overall installation. A site survey is generally carried out to determine if the walls are within specification and advise if remedial work is required prior to installation depending upon the installation requirements.
Speed of Installation
Wall Cladding has several advantages over traditional tiling, speed of installation, once fitted second fix can be started within half a day, minimal number of joins, no staining of grout lines and less traps for bacteria.
For the majority of installations it is recommended to use a two part polyurathane adhesive, this is trowel applied to the entire sheet ensuring that the sheets are fully bonded to the substrate. This is important in terms of any voids being left between the substrate and sheets to prevent infestation from insects. This cannot be achieved with the dob and dab method of installation.