Hygienic Walls
Paint Systems

Hygienic paint systems

Some surfaces do not lend themselves to be clad due to their shape or due to cost implications


Some surfaces do not lend themselves to be clad due to their shape i.e. irregular or tight curves that hygienic wall finishes cannot be practically shaped around, Vaulted Areas etc. In these instances we can still provide a hygienic sustainable solution in the form of Two Part Hygienic paint systems.

Hygienic paint systems provide a hygienic finish the same as PVCu hygienic wall cladding but cannot sustain physical damage or constant cleaning regimes without degredation.



We promote a hygienic paint system that uses silver technology similar to the HCD Enhanced PVCu wall coverings. to provide a demonstratable resistance to bacteria. This Silver technology is mixed within the paint and provides a smooth surface once the paint has dried preventing the bacteria from proliferating on the surface.


Hygienic paint systems are used exclusively in some installations, but generally it is used inconjuction with PVCu hygienic cladding. It is especially useful for vaulted ceilings, basements etc. where it is either not possible to get the sheet cladding material into the area or the area is not practical for cladding.

Hygienic paint finishes are especially useful in areas that need to be maintained until the scheduled refurbishment works are carried out.